Student Life » Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Any plagiarism, cheating, or other behavior that constitutes academic dishonesty will result in the student receiving the grade of zero on the assignment and one day of In-School Suspension. Any type of plagiarism, cheating, or other behavior that is DEEMED BY THE TEACHER as a breach of academic integrity or academic dishonesty will result in this consequence. This includes such examples as plagiarizing a paper through the use of the internet (i.e., copying and pasting); copying the answers of another student on a test, exam or quiz; copying the answers of another student’s work; or offering to let another student use a completed assignment or classwork to copy.

Use of Artificial Intelligence 

As we strive to provide a dynamic and enriching learning environment, we acknowledge the growing role of technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), in our educational practices. The purpose of integrating AI into our educational environment is to enhance learning experiences, foster creativity, and prepare students for the increasingly AI-driven world. By incorporating AI technologies responsibly, we aim to empower students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and responsible digital citizens.


Only AI tools approved by the school administration may be used within the school premises or for school-related activities. When approved, tools will be listed and updated periodically by the IT department and shared with students by classroom teachers. Students are encouraged to consult with their teachers if they are unsure about the approval status of a particular AI tool.

  • Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of dishonesty will not be tolerated.
  • Students must respect the privacy of themselves and others when using AI tools. Avoid sharing sensitive personal information and ensure that AI tools used comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations.
  • Use AI tools ethically and responsibly, respecting copyright and 

intellectual property rights.


Obtain necessary permissions before using or sharing content generated by AI tools. Violations of this AI Usage Policy may result in disciplinary action, which may include but is not limited to warnings, loss of privileges, parent/guardian notification, violations of academic integrity, and other consequences as deemed appropriate by the school administration.