Academics » College and Career Readiness

College and Career Readiness

College Representatives.  


Admission counselors can now go to to schedule an appointment with our high school.
What is ECAP?
An ECAP (Education and Career Action Plan) reflects a student’s current plan of coursework, career aspirations, and extended learning opportunities in order to develop the student’s individual academic and career goals.

Why do students have an ECAP?
Integrating an Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP) process into all facets of the school experience enables students to be lifelong learners and problem-solvers, developing and applying 21st century skills to their life experiences, as students, as workers, as consumers, and as responsible citizens. With the ability to identify skills and interests and to apply that knowledge to create their own ECAP, students will have developed needed skills to advance in a more fluid, seamless transition, meeting 21st Century technologies and workplace postsecondary requirements.

What is the Kingman Academy High School ECAP?
The Kingman Academy High School ECAP meets the ECAP Attributes determined by the Arizona Department of Education and indicates what activities should be completed in each grade level. The checklist can be found in each student's individual ECAP folder. Activities are completed during ELA, Social Studies, and through Overgrad, an online program, found at which has college research, a 4-year plan, and career planning information.

What do I do to prepare for College?    


Here is a link from Questbridge that gives checklists for each year of high school for college and career readiness.


College and Career Readiness Checklists